
Sprout astroblast chica
Sprout astroblast chica

  • Daysofthe Week Song: There's one sung by host Carly Ciarrocchi and Chica, who dresses up at different animals.
  • Crossover: In its early years, Sprout characters often made guest appearances on the block, and since the move to New York in 2014, this sporadically happened.
  • Credits Pushback: Like other Sprout programming blocks, the credits of each show were shortened to create more time for the host segments.
  • The host would pull out a sticker from a theme jar relating to the week's theme in the first link.
  • From 2009 to 2013, a leaf with the title of the week's theme was shown in the Sunshine Barn, with stickers relating to the theme surrounding the set.
  • Clucking Funny: Chica is a kazoo-voiced puppet who interacts with the hosts.
  • Christmas Special: The Chica Awards, which ran from 2012 to 2014.
  • In this section, you could find out more about the hosts and watch videos of them.
  • In early 2014, the Sunny Side Up Show "Host Corner" section of was introduced.
  • "Meet" videos of Chica, Kelly Vrooman, and Kevin Yamada were available on once the block launched.
  • Dennisha Pratt returned for Mother's Day 2015.
  • Kelly Vrooman returned for Thanks for Giving Week 2014.
  • Liz Filios returned in 2013 to guest host for a week.
  • Bottle Episode: Most broadcasts took place in either the Sunshine Barn or the city apartment.
  • In 2008's "Chica's Big Birthday Surprise," Chica celebrates her birthday.
  • Each birthday segment began with an original Happy Birthday song, and the cards were delivered by a cardboard mailman named Mr.

    sprout astroblast chica

    Viewers' birthdays were celebrated by the hosts through submitted cards and wishes.Beach Episode: In one segment, Chica and Dennisha Pratt go to the beach and give lifeguard Shane McGrath a "Good Egg Award.".Babies Make Everything Better: "Babies" has often been a weekly theme.April Fools' Plot: The block often aired during The Good Night Show’s timeslot (6PM to 9PM ET) and vise versa during "Sprout's Scrambled April Fun Day." Nina and Star also made a guest appearance for this event in 2011.And Starring: In the original theme song "Brand New Day," footage of the hosts was used, but their names weren't onscreen.

    sprout astroblast chica

    The Sunny Side Up Show provides examples of: The (*) indicates segments that were dropped with the 2015 revamp.

  • Silly Time: The hosts tell jokes sent in by viewers.
  • Chica's Choice: Where the hosts play a spinning wheel game.
  • Sit and Sip: The hosts would talk with celebrity guest stars while drinking juice.
  • Molly Manners: A segment featuring an animated sheep who teaches manners.

  • Sprout astroblast chica